Wednesday, 21 August 2013

The saga of the carseat

These days we’re all about informed choice; it started before Isaac was even conceived, as we started to explore making better choices about the way we lived, and trying to balance our knowledge and our choices with our available income - always a tricky one that, but I digress. So when it came to buying Isaac’s first car seat we spent a lot of time researching, looking up crash-test scores and all those sorts of details as well as customer feedback ratings.
Our first car seat was not cheap; including the ISOFIX base it came to around £300, so we made it last as well as we could. Isaac made it to about 21 months before it became absolutely necessary we upgraded; whilst he is still well within the weight limits of his first car seat, he’s just too long and his head was just about to leave the safe limits of the car seat. Of course we didn't leave it this long until we started researching, we started that in earnest around his first birthday.
The very first thing we found in our research was that we wanted Isaac to continue rear-facing as long as possible. At first it was hard to find the correct information, but thanks to we were able to find out that it could be up to five times safer for children 4 and under. As they put it themselves:
Did you know that it's five times safer for a child to be rear facing? Scandinavian children are rear facing until they are 4–5 years old (25kg or 55lbs), which has resulted in a much lower number of children injured or dead in car accidents compared with other countries, as for instance the UK. So why is rear facing safer? On this site you will get the facts and figures to show you why rear facing is safer. Then it is up to you to decide what is best for your child.
It’s strange, because this just doesn't seem to be widely publicised in this country. The current UK guidelines suggest that from 9kg (19lb 13.5oz) your child can forward face in a car seat - according to the WHO growth charts for boys this could be anything from as early as 3 months!
Although there are obviously different crash scenarios that can happen, the most risky to life is front-on collisions; these also happen to be the situations where rear facing car seats can out-perform forward facing seats. I’ll let this video do the talking for me:

The most amazing thing we found out is that the same companies making forward facing seats in this country are also making the rear-facing seats for Scandinavian countries, but don’t generally sell them here! Crazy! And whilst they state the advanced safety of their rear-facing models over there, over here they simply don’t mention it.
The only reason seems to be that they don’t believe there is much of a market here. Personally I think that if one of the manufacturers stepped forward saying that despite the regulations in this country they believe rear-facing to be safer and they will be selling rear-facing models through major retailers, they would've got my vote. I'm surprised they don’t try it, do a combined advertising push with a selected retailer, they’d make a killing!
We found a few online sellers over here, but we wanted to make sure the one we spent such a large amount of money on was well suited to Isaac, us and our car - by the way, expect to pay around £300, regardless of model, not that there are a huge amount to choose from. We were fortunate to find a real life stockist close to Lucy’s parents, so we took a visit one weekend we were up there.
That’s where our story should end, but the adventure just carried on… when we got there we found out that cars like ours with under floor storage for the back seats, an increasingly common feature these days, are problematic for rear facing car seats. Rear facing seats typically feature a supporting leg to help prevent too much motion during a crash, but the plastic lids on the storage compartments are not strong enough to withstand the force. So no car seat, unless we can find one with a leg that stretches to the true floor or find something to fill in the compartment. Although, we are told, that they’re not sure how safe filling it in actually is.
That prompted a quick internet search whilst we commiserated ourselves in Ikea restaurant. Via the rear-facing site I mentioned before we found another company not too far away from Bristol and after a quick call it became clear that they had fitted the seat we had been looking at in other cars like ours. They weren't able to see us that weekend, so we planned to go the following weekend we were up in Bristol.
And so it was that a couple of weeks ago we went to see Kirsty from Securatot. The folks at securatot have been doing this a while and started when they chose rear-facing for their own children, they’re passionate and well-informed. What’s more, they also have it in writing from Be-Safe, the manufacturer of our chosen car seat, that filling the storage compartment with polystyrene blocks/sheets is sufficient to allow the lid to withstand an impact from the leg.
So the car seat was tried in the car; it was a good fit and Isaac loved it. None in stock, though, so it was put on order and we waited and got prepared with some polystyrene (some free scraps from Jewsons, thanks!). Although we didn't have to wait long, it was delivered pretty quickly (free delivery too)!
Isaac loves his new car seat (we went for a BeSafe iZi Combi, by the way) it’s slightly higher than his old one so he gets a much better view out the back window! What’s more we heard from Kirsty that her 4 year old fits fine in the car seat, so we’re looking forward to another 2 years or so before we need to replace it again!

Saturday, 6 July 2013

Adventures in walking

So I posted yesterday on my main blog that I'd like to make more use of all of my blogs and that this one in particular should become more of journal of our adventures as a family of backrodders... so here's one of our adventures.

Today, on what turned out to be one of the hottest days of the year so far, we went to see St. Nectan's Glen, between Tintagel and Boscastle. It's a place we've wanted to visit for a while and despite it being about an hour and half away it was so worth it!

It's about a mile walk from the carpark to the shop/cafe and as usual I had Isaac in the sling. We were taking plenty of pictures on the way, and Isaac even took a few, including this lovely one of his mama with a bit of his finger included.

We had a quick lunch, in the company of a surprisingly bold robin who even attempted to snack on another diners sandwich straight from her plate and then descended the steps into the valley below.

Wow! I did not expect to see what we saw!

Slightly naff panorama of the glen
But one of the highlights, at least for me, was that Isaac had a go at walking through the water with his wellies on. Isaac takes after his mama; Lucy didn't start walking until 22 months and Isaac's looking set to be walking around the same time. Right now he's just about managing to walk holding our hands, something he's only been able to do with something resembling stability for the past week or so.

This is the face of our son shortly after we placed him in the water
To be honest he was getting a bit fed up; something along the lines of, "Yeah it's pretty, but I'm bored of being stuck in this sling and not moving. Let's go Dada! Stop taking so many pictures." Even so, he was really enjoying it when I splashed in the stream.

Lucy and I were feeling bad because there were other children enjoying the stream, either wearing wellies or just barefeet. I was worried that Isaac would want to sit down in the stream like he does in the sea, which probably would've been ok except we only had an emergency nappy with us and no wrap to put around it. But we had his wellies and in the end Lucy convinced me to give it a try.

Lesson for the day, sometimes it's good to try and say yes, even if you're not sure it will work. He loved it, so much so that he didn't want to leave.

It must've been such a challenge for him, but he tackled it with the same determination and persistence we see so much from him.

This evening Isaac's photo taking continued; I now have a lot of great photos of Isaac's toys on my phone, and they're all better than the photo's I take...

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Bedsharing, safe or not?

This is just a quick post, I'm afraid.

You may have seen/heard in the news that Bed-sharing 'raises cot death risk fivefold', well it turns out that this may not be true (surprise surprise).

Someone else has expanded on the research and shown how the conclusions are flawed, so I'll leave it to them!

Put it this way, whilst we like to research our choices thoroughly and minimize risk, we'll still be co-sleeping with our son and with any future children.

Have a great day!